3 Stars
"She was mine. I owned her soul…until Death stole her heart."
This novella was fun to read since it was in Leif's POV, and it covered his POV for both Existence and Predestined. The problem for me was since it was covering both books and it's just a novella, it jumped from scene to scene. I guess another way to describe it is, it was very choppy. There wasn't very much extra about him though. The scenes mainly just went back over what was being said. The only thing extra that I learned was pretty much the few times he talked to his father about Pagan. Which all were pretty much the same. Leif asking for help and his father telling him to just take Pagan. That's why I gave it only 3 stars. It could've been better wrote. It could've given us more information about Leif like most novellas from other POV's do. Honestly, unless you're bored and want more of this story while waiting on book three, I don't really see the point in reading it.
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